Jay Diengott, manager of BU's new Bike Kitchen, smiles for the camera. They have blue, green hair, dangling earrings, and a double nose piercing.

Meet BU’s DIY Bicycle Repair Shop

Learn more
Photo: A picture of a man looking at the camera. He has on a patterned blazer and turtleneck sweater
Student Life

Determined to Make the World a Better Place

Photo: A white woman in casual attire struts, with a smile, onto a softball field. She wears a white cap with BU's logo on the front.
Varsity Sports

Building a Powerhouse: How Ashley Waters Put BU Softball on the Map

Photo: A young Black man sitting in a chair with a cross around his neck and a Chicago Bulls sweatshirt. He smiles for the photo. Video play overlay
Student Life

Terriers in Charge: Favor Wariboko (CAS’24)